WPX Hosting 50% Discount Coupon & 2 Months FREE Aug 2024

WPX Hosting Review & Discount Coupon

WPX Hosting Discount

Max Discount: 50% OFF

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WPX Hosting Offer Details

WPX is known for offering top-quality hosting servers and industry-leading customer support to make sure that you don’t face any issues while hosting your website on WPX servers.

WPX comes with a number of hosting plan options to choose from and you will get the maximum discount while you use our exclusive coupon code.

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Highlights Of WPX Hosting


Here Are Some of the Key Highlights of WPX Hosting

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  • Free website migration (Unlimited)
  • Instant solution to all issues
  • Industry best live chat support
  • Superfast hosting servers
  • Top-quality cloud CDN
  • Unlimited free SSL Certificates
  • DDoS protection
  • Regular backup
  • Free Webmail account

While most of the small things can be managed with external support, there are few things or issues when you will need help from the hosting provider’s end.

So, it is always good to host your site with a company that takes customer’s support very seriously.

With WPXHosting, there will always someone to help you with everything related at any point in time.

When I requested the migration, the first reply was within 5 minutes which is great support to expect.

You can be sure that they offer the top hosting in the industry. They offer sure quick loading hosting for an extremely affordable price.

Have a look at our loading time here. BeginDot is heavier than an average blog, we have around 2.6 MB data which is really heavy.

We have a lot of content on the home page of the site and a number of images that add up to the total size of the page.

But still, we are able to achieve an amazing loading speed without any extra optimization. BeginDot loading in around 1 sec.

BeginDot loading time

Not all hosting providers are equal, and none of them are perfect. Each one specializes in addressing a select collection of problems faced by its consumers.

With WPX Hosting, the focus is on providing fast-managed web hosting for WordPress paired with excellent customer support.

However, This is clear from their advertising! The real question to ask is, do they live up to their word? Or more importantly, is it worth your money?

WPX Hosting Main

For the purpose of this read, we have taken the time to go over all the nitty-gritty that WPX Hosting has to offer. You will get an in-depth look at all the features the company has to offer, its weak points, its strong points, pricing, and much more.

So without keeping you waiting any longer, let’s start this comprehensive review of WPX Hosting.

WPX Hosting: Pros and Cons

In case you are in a hurry, we have prepared a quick glance into all the pros and cons of the hosting service so you get a basic idea.


  • Fasting loading speeds.
  • Great quality support.
  • Affordable pricing.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Beginner friendly.
  • Free website migration.
  • Free CDN and SSL certifications.


  • We have not faced any issues as of now.

WPX Hosting: WordPress Hosting

WPX Hosting, unlike its competition, doesn’t offer a long list of varied hosting plans. You only get access to a managed WordPress hosting solution.

No shared hosting, dedicated server hosting, and stuff like that. But the good thing is that the hosting solution they do provide is very affordable and jam-packed with useful features.

Note: Although you will not be able to host other CMS-powered websites, the platform does allow users to host websites made with HTML and PHP.

Now, according to multiple channels including different online tools, WPX hosting’s managed WordPress hosting solution is one of the fastest in the business.

You get access to high-end SSD-powered servers donning state-of-the-art specs. You will notice faster load times when compared to other WordPress hosting services.

The company allows you to host multiple websites from the same server in a virtual hosting environment.

A dedicated amount of resources is allocated to each account, so it doesn’t work out like shared hosting where one website suffers because another one is using too much processing power. And to add on top, you get all the benefits associated with managed hosting.

WPX Hosting: Different Hosting Plans and Pricing

As mentioned before, WPX Hosting one offers one hosting plan – The Managed Hosting SSD Plan. It comes in three variants, Business, Professional, and Elite.

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WPX Hosting Plans

With the Business plan, you get support for 5 websites, 10GB storage space, and 100GB bandwidth. Next is the Professional plan which boosts the website cap to 15, and bumps up the storage space to 20GB, along with 200GB bandwidth support.

And finally, there is the Elite plan which allows you to host 35 websites along with 40GB storage and infinite bandwidth limitation.

Now you might not have too much choice involving different hosting solutions, but you do get the flexibility to choose between a monthly billing cycle or a yearly billing cycle. It goes without saying that yearly plans are cheaper than monthly plans.

Free Migration

If you are technically challenged, you will need help when you need to migrate your site from one host to another.

If you wish to do it yourself, things might go wrong it will take longer. Also, your site might go down and if you are managing an active site, it will not look good.

WPX Hosting offers unlimited free migration from any other host to WPX platform. So, you can sit back and relax while the WPX team migrates your site without any downtime.


WPX Hosting servers are located in the USA and UK alone. However, they provide hosting services globally and sites hosted through WPX Hosting are fast across the map.

This is thanks to the use of CDN, or to be more precise, their custom WPX Cloud CDN.

WPX Hosting - WPX Cloud

Now in case you already don’t know what a CDN is – it stands for a content delivery network.

It is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers along with their respective data centers which are used to distribute internet content to the end-user as fast as possible.

You might have heard the names of some popular CDNs like CloudFlare CDN, MaxCDN, and so on. WPX Hosting has its own CDN dubbed WPX Cloud CDN with 20 different server points around the world.

This gives them the power to fine-tune it to generate optimal results for their own hosting services.

Furthermore, if you are facing any issues you can connect with their support team directly, without having to involve any third party.

One notable feature of WPX Cloud CDN is that it helps cache all the static content of your site, including all the HTML content.

WPX Hosting: Security

The company takes security very seriously. All their plans come with unlimited SSLs to provide a layer of encryption over your websites.

Besides this DDoS protection is included as well.

WPX Hosting has also enabled a dedicated security team to deal with any threats if and when they arise. The team is tasked with detecting and removing any malware from your website and making sure it doesn’t appear again.

Everything is done automatically, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

All in all, the security precautions taken by WPX Hosting are praiseworthy.

Many people choose to protect their websites using free malware or security WordPress plugins. That won’t be necessary with these hosting solutions.

However, the company doesn’t bar you from installing any anti-malware software yourself.

Furthermore, since the malware scanning is handled by a dedicated team, it won’t be hurt if you install a plugin.

WPX Hosting: Uptime

The servers are very reliable and stable. Uptime is measured to be more than 99.95%.

However in the off chance, you do run into trouble, the support team is extremely quick to react and will get the issues resolved in practically no time.

WPX Hosting: Customer Service

This is the point we have been mentioning over and over again. WPX Hosting has one of the best customer service and support team.

They are available 24/7 to attend to your problems either through email or via live chat. Sadly, there is no phone-based support.

A team of WordPress experts is always available on standby. They will get your problems resolved in a jiffy, and that too for free.

Furthermore, their website has an extensive knowledge base that can help you resolve mostly all of the basic issues you may run into.

WPX Hosting: Other Features

Besides all the features we mentioned above, there are plenty of other functionalities that are included with the hosting provider. This includes:

  • Free site migration for an unlimited number of websites.
  • Basic E-mail services.
  • Manual and Automatic Backups.
  • 1-click WordPress installation.
  • Website tools like DNS Propagation checker and IP address lookup.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

And so on…

WPX Hosting: The User Interface

With WPX Hosting, you won’t get access to the traditional cPanel. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. If you are already accustomed to the cPanel, then sure, you will lose out on many of the settings and options it made available.

However, like most non-tech-savvy webmasters, if the cPanel made you feel overwhelmed, then you will surely love WPX Hosting’s implementation.

WPX Hosting - UI

The company provides a custom UI for easily navigating all the settings and options of your plans. A sidebar menu will carry different settings panels boasting different options for your use. This includes:

  • Service Details: To view details about your plan, upgrade plan, and even cancel it.
  • Website/SSL: To view your SSL certificate and other information about your website.
  • Databases: To monitor and tweak around with the database settings.
  • E-Mail Boxes: To access the email service provided with the plans.
  • FTP Users
  • Edit DNS
  • File Manager
  • Backups
  • WPX Cloud: you can enable or disable the CDN from here. You can even empty their cache if you like.

cPanel of WPX Hosting

If you have managed your site using cPanel in the past, you will find things a little different on WPX hosting. You don’t get a complete cPanel and you don’t need it here because it is a managed hosting service and you will need support for everything you wish to do almost instantly.

However, you get complete access to your databases, you have the File Manager like any other cPanel to upload themes and other required files.

Regular Backups

One of the most important aspects of managing your site is to make sure that you have a regular backup of your site because if anything goes wrong and you don’t have a backup, all your hard work will be down the drain in a moment.

With WPX Hosting you don’t have to worry about the backup option. The team makes sure that you have a regular backup of all your sites hosted on WPX hosting so that you can quickly restore the services if anything goes wrong.

WPX Hosting: All Features in a Table View

For your added convenience, we have prepared a table-based view to help you get a quick look at all WPX Hosting features:

PerformanceApache Servers powered by SSD storage. They also have their own custom CDN – WPX Cloud CDN, to improve performance.
SecurityFree unlimited SSL certification, DDoS protection, a dedicated security team to manually scan and check for malware.
Uptime99.95% uptime guaranteed.
Server QualityIndustry-leading performance with a low response time.
WordPressOffers one of the fastest if not the fastest managed WordPress hosting solutions.
Data ManagementRegular automatic as well as manual backups.
CostManaged Hosting Plans start at $20.83/month
Server LocationsUSA and UK
In-built CachingYes.
Site TransfersFree unlimited site migration with all the plans.
Free DomainsNo. Domains have to be purchased separately.

WPX Hosting: Is it for You?

As you can see, if you are looking to host a WordPress website, then WPX Hosting has a solid offering. Their customer service is phenomenal, performance is smooth, fast, & reliable, and best of all – everything is managed.

This makes it perfect for business owners looking to start a WordPress website but lacks technical skills. You don’t have to worry about anything going wrong as a team of experts is working on the backend to make sure everything runs smoothly.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

WPX offers you a complete 30-day no question asked money-back guarantee. That means if you go for their annual plan using our coupon code to avail of those 2 months’ free offer and for some reason you don’t like their hosting, you can request a cancellation within the first 30 days and you will get your entire amount back.

So, you have a complete month to test the loading speed, customer support or anything else related to hosting before you make up your mind.

How to Get 50% Off on WPX Hosting?

Here is the good news for you, you can use our coupon code WHD50 (capital matter) to get a 50% discount on the first-month cost of any plan that you select.

You can use our link below and use the coupon code while purchasing to get the discount.

To avail of the discount, go to the WPXHosting plan selection page and select the plan you wish to go for.

You will get the option to select your server location. You can select either US or UK

select server location

In the next step, you will get the option to select the domain name. If you already have a domain name, you can put that and move forward or you can select a new domain name for your business.

Select Domain Name

Finally, you will get the option to place the coupon code “WHD50” and apply it to get the discount.

WPX Coupon Code
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is WPX Hosting?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”WPX Hosting is a web hosting provider that is optimized for WordPress. So, if you are planning to create a new WordPress site or want to migrate your site hosted elsewhere, WPX is a good option for you.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is WPX a Good Option for a New Site?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, WPX Hosting is a very good option for both new and old WordPress sites. We are using WPX Hosting to host all our sites.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Kind of Customer Support is Offered by WPX Hosting?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”WPX Hosting offers quick live chat support 24X7 365 days. So, you will find someone to help you with the other side whenever you need it. In fact, customer support is the prime reason why we migrated all our sites to WPX. According to me, they offer the best support in the industry right now.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is WPX Hosting Fast?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, WPX hosting offers a super-fast hosting service. You will certainly see improvement in loading speed as you migrate your site to WPX hosting.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Do They Offer Any CDN Service?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, they offer cloud CDN for free with the hosting plan.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Do I need to Purchase an SSL?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”No, you don’t need to purchase an SSL certificate for your site. Just as the team to install the SSL certificate for you, they will do it for free.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Do They Offer Site Migrate Service?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, they offer unlimited site migration service free of cost. So, in a way, you don’t have to do anything after you buy WPX Hosting, the team will do all the set up for you.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can I Get a Discount on WPX Hosting?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, you can use our coupon code to get an additional 50% discount for the first month and you get an additional 2 months absolutely free of you go for the annual pricing plan.”}}]}
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If you find the article useful, please don’t forget to share it.


Please note: You will get 50% off for the first month and 2 months free if you choose the annual billing option.

Coupon Code: WHD50

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FAQs About WPX Hosting Discount

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