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Cloudways Discount Coupon: 60% OFF (Overall) Aug 2024

Get exclusive Cloudways discount coupon to save while purchasing hosting plan.

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Cloudways Discount

Max Discount: 60% OFF

Get the deal now to avail maximum discount.

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Cloudways Offer Details

Cloudways is one of the leading managed hosting providers. That means, all the technical part of hosting is managed by the team so that you can focus on your business.

If you are looking for Cloudways discount coupon, you are at the right place. We have an exclusive offer for BeginDot users.

If you ever wanted to host your website on hosting platforms like Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, Amazon AWS but didn’t have the required technical expertise, you can do it now with Cloudways.

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Exclusive Cloudways Discount Coupon

Get 20% OFF for the first 3 invoices on Cloudways hosting by using our coupon code "BEGINDOT". Copy the code from here and use it as mentioned below to get the discount applied to your account.
  • Exclusive coupon code
  • Get maximum discount
  • 3 Months 20% OFF
Original Price: $10/Month
Offer Price: 60% OFF (Overall)

Cloudways offers you amazing flexibility to scale up your hosting requirement as your business grows.

When it comes to top-managed hosting providers, you will certainly find Cloudways on that list. They are known for super-fast hosting providers and great customer support.

Cloudways Promo Code

Get 20% OFF for the first 3 invoices on Cloudways hosting by using our coupon code. Copy the code from here and use it as mentioned below to get the discount applied to your account.

.ugb-df81da4 .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner{color:#41246e !important}.ugb-df81da4 .ugb-button1{border-color:#41246e !important}.ugb-df81da4 .ugb-button1:hover .ugb-button–inner{color:#41246e !important}

Cloudways Key Highlights

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  • Multiple Cloud Providers like Google Cloud, Amazon AWS and more
  • Use on unlimited applications
  • PHP 7 Ready Servers
  • Fully managed
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Highly secure environment
  • Regular automated backups
  • Scale anytime you want

How to Get Started on Cloudways

The process is quick and simple to get started on the Cloudways platform.

To start with, create your account on the Cloudways platform.

Select the server that you wish to go for. You will have different options like Digital Ocean, Google Cloud and more.

For example, if you wish to host your site on Digital Ocean, select the platform and then select the server location.

Cloudways Hosting

Free Trial

Before you become a paid member of the Cloudways platform, you have the option to go for the trial version so that you can check their services before you make any payment.

You don’t even have to add your credit card in order to get the trial of Cloudways hosting.

Free SSL Certificate

SSL certificate is a must-have for every website these days. It will add the security lock to your website and your website will be served through HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Cloudways offers free SSL certificates to every website hosted on its platform, and it is powered by Let’s Encrypt.

Here is an article about SSL certificates, if you want to know about more free SSL certificate options.

Free Website Migration

Migration is another very important requirement when you look for changing the hosting provider, especially if you are a newbie and don’t have the technical expertise required to migrate from one hosting provider to another.

Cloudways offers you free migration of the first website that you plan to host on their platform.


Cloudways have their own CDN services. It is a quick and simple solution to increase the loading speed of your site across the globe.

They offer really affordable CDN option, you will be priced at $1 PER 25GB.

How to Avail Cloudways Discount Using Our Coupon

Availing of our promo coupon for Cloudways is simple. Go to the Cloudways site, go to pricing and select the plan that you wish to go for.

Once you select the plan, you will be asked to add your details like your name, email ID, etc. And below that, you will have the option to add the promo code.

Cloudways Promo Code

Click on the “Get a Promo Code” option and you need to add our promo code in the box. Our promo code is “BEGINDOT” (caps matter) just copy the code and paste it in the box.

Any valid Cloudways coupon code will show you a green tick, which means your discount offer will be applied.

You will get a 20% discount on the first 3 invoices that you use on the Cloudways platform using our coupon code.

Cloudways Coupon Code
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FAQs About Cloudways Discount

Cloudways is a popular web hosting platform that offers super fast servers and fully managed hosting options.
Managed hosting means all the technical issues and set related to hosting will be managed by the Cloudways team so that you can focus on growing your business.
You can get the maximum discount on Cloudways hosting packages using our exclusive coupon code. You may get 20% OFF for 3 months of billing using our coupon code.
Yes, Cloudways is reliable. Many big businesses are using Cloudways hosting for their site. They offer very fast-loading servers at affordable pricing.

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