Cloudways Black Friday Deal: 40% OFF Aug 2024

Cloudways Black Friday Deal

Cloudways Discount

Max Discount: 40% OFF

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Cloudways Offer Details

Here we are with the Cloudways Black Friday deal 2022. If you were planning to go for a new web host that offers super-fast hosting for your site, here is your chance.

Cloudways is known as one of the most preferred managed hosting providers for WordPress sites. They have created a name for their brand through great service and customer support.

In this Black Friday season, Cloudways is offering you an amazing 40% discount deal for 3 months.

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Cloudways Black Friday Deal

Cloudways is one of the most popular and customer-friendly managed hosting providers. Here is what they are offering this Black Friday

40 % OFF for 3 Months

  • Free Migration
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 24/7 Support
  • Unlimited applications

Cloudways offers you Pay as You Go payment option. That means you only pay for what you have used.

Their plan starts at $10 and goes up according to your business and requirement.

Ues Promo Code BFCM40 to Get 40% OFF

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5 Cloud Hosting Providers

Cloudways gives you the option to select from 5 different cloud hosting providers (the top options in the market) such as Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Amazon, Linode and more.

Your website and data will be in a highly secure environment that will be safe so that you can focus on growing your business.

In case anything goes wrong with your website, you will the option to get back to it with just one click.

Cloudways CDN

You will have the option to use Cloudways CDN to make sure that your website loads quickly in any part of the word.

The CDN is easy to get started and you will not require any technical expertise to take complete advantage of the system

Cloudways gives you the advantage of using over 60 different data centers so that your website never needs to compromise on performance.

Final Note

Black Friday is the best time to buy hosting and if you are planning to go for Cloudways-managed hosting for your business, this is the time to act.

The offer is already active, so act now

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