BlueHost Coupon: 60% Off & Free Domain Name Aug 2024

BlueHost Deal

Bluehost Discount

Max Discount: 60% OFF

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Bluehost Offer Details

Bluehost is one of the most popular web hosting platforms out there. It is also one of the oldest and has reached millions of users across the world.

Bluehost plans are customized and curated for almost everyone including individuals, startups, small business and even enterprise.

Matt-Heaton started it in 1996. Later, the company got acquired by Endurance International Group. After the acquisition, the company is now managed by Dan Handy.

They offer diverse plans which fit the high-quality standards set by other big hosting platforms.

Bluehost is in no way expensive. Their plans start cheap for those who want to get started. Also, it does have plans that fit the enterprise-grade. If you want to save more, you can always use the coupon mentioned here.

Bluehost Features: What Will You Get?

Before you decide to get Bluehost, you need to know what you are getting. That’s why we will be discussing the key features that Bluehost has to offer.

Once we do so, we will then share the plans that Bluehost has to offer. So, without any delay, let’s list some of its key features.

Fully Customizable WordPress

Bluehost offers a completely customizable WordPress experience. That means you can customize your website the way you want.

Diverse Hosting Services

Bluehost provides diverse hosting services. That means you can gain access to shared hosting, the virtual private server(VPS), WordPress hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated server hosting.

Security and Backup

Bluehost protects its servers from hackers and malicious actors. They offer protection both at the website level and as well as the server level. As a user, you can be sure that your website will not be hacked.

Bluehost also offers regular backups. The backups are done automatically and that too on a daily purpose. This means that you don’t have to worry when an unfortunate situation occurs.

Unlimited and Free Email Accounts

You get access to free and unlimited email accounts. The only limitation here is that the email storage space is attached to your hosting storage.

To ensure performance, they do impose limitations on the number of emails that can be sent per hour.


Bluehost is extremely serious when it comes to providing support to their customers. They provide 24/7 support to their customers in form of email, phone, and live chat.

The response may sometime take a little longer due to long customers queue. But, you will surely get your issue resolved.

Pricing: How Much You Have to Pay For It?

Pricing also plays a crucial role in your decision making. That’s why we are going to list them below.

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  • Basic plan: The basic plan starts from $3.95 per month. You can build one website with a website space limit of 50 GB. The bandwidth is unmetered. However, there is a 100 MB per account email storage limit with maximum 5 email accounts creation.
  • Plus plan: The plus plan starts from $5.95 per month. It has everything that the basic plan offers, but with unlimited website hosting. It also comes with $200 marketing offers and has unlimited email account and storage.
  • Prime: The prime plan starts per $5.95 per month. It offers everything that Plus plan has to offer and comes with additional features such as Domain privacy, SiteBackup Pro and so on.
  • Go Pro: Everything that prime has to offer, but with a high-performance server. It starts at only $13.95 per month.

Get The Discount & Free Domain Name

Bluehost is undoubtedly a great hosting platform. All you need to do is choose the plan that fits your need.

Bookmark BeginDot if you are looking for similar coupons and deals. We also cover exclusive other topics such as SEO, WordPress themes and plugins, and much more!

Get 60% discount using the link below and your business domain name free of cost.

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