16 Best WordPress Comment Plugins

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The WordPress comment plugins mentioned in this post will help you to increase engagement on your WordPress blog.

It is really important for every blog to have an easy-to-use commenting system so that your users can engage with your content.

If you were a singer, would you sing at an event that doesn’t have an audience? Well, initially you could do it to gain confidence and practice, but after a while getting a response from your audience becomes essential to keep up with your actions.

When it comes to your website, you would surely relate to the struggle of getting comments on your blog posts. No matter how amazing your blog is, getting likes, shares, and most importantly comments on it is an arduous task especially when you’re new to the world of blogging.

Getting people to comment on your blog posts is not only an essential factor involved in audience engagement but also makes you understand what type of content resonates with your audience and what doesn’t!

Why is it that even some highly popular bloggers with a large number of followers don’t receive the desired number of comments on their blog?

Well, there can be many answers to that but one of the most important barriers in most blogs is the bad user interface of comments. Even if a person wants to comment, he/she will have to Login or Sign Up in WordPress to submit their comment.

Fortunately, WordPress offers plenty of plugins that can help you make your website extremely user-friendly for your audience to comment on your blog.

These plugins not only help your audience to easily post their comments but also help you in managing and replying to their comments in a hassle-free manner.

Also Read: How to Start a Blog from Scratch with BlueHost?

The Best Commenting Plugins for WordPress


Jetpack is a multi-utility plugin that can be used to facilitate more than 20 different WordPress functions. Offered by “Automattic”, the plugin offers a wide set of features for posting and managing comments.

Jetpack allows user verification through Twitter, Facebook, and even Google+ enabling the user to get a quick and easy commenting experience. 

Jetpack Commenting System
Source: Jetpack


Though WPDiscuz is similar to Disqus Comment System by its name, the functions that it offers are quite different.

wpDiscuz lets the user comment with the default WordPress comment feature and adds a number of features in the next step.

This well-documented plugin offers integration with a number of social media Logins. wpDiscuz also offers a WooCommerce version along with offering integration with platforms like User Ultra and BuddyPress.

wpDiscuz WordPress Comment Plugin

Deeper Comments

Today we want to talk about a plugin specifically designed for commenting. Developed by Webnus, Deeper Comments will help you increase the engagement and traffic of your WordPress blog.

As you may have confronted the issue of commenting on your blog page. Don’t worry. It’s not just you. Every blogger has the same concern.

Deeper Comments is a free WordPress plugin that will resolve the issue of the WordPress native commenting system.

Even if you are a WordPress newbie, Deeper Comments will make it possible for you to customize everything as much as you need. You can easily use this plugin to design everything without any coding knowledge. Great, right? 

Deeper Comments adds super potent features to your default WordPress discussion system. You ask how? With customizable design and AJAX real-time comment and notification system.

When you own a blog and get people to comment on your blog posts, not only it helps you increase your audience engagement but also clarifies for you what type of content you should resonate and what you shouldn’t!

Let’s say you are a dancer and you have organized an event, but with no audience. Especially during this pandemic. What would you do? Would you go on or you would just ignore it? In the first place, you can get on with it just to get confidence and build up your morale. But what about your audience feedback? Deeper Comments is exactly what you would need under such circumstances. 

With this plugin, you can easily create a blacklist of words, so that whenever a user types one of them in their comments, that comment gets deleted.

Also, you enable your users to access their comments by sorting them by trending, popular, newest and oldest. This way, they will get things done in the fastest way possible.

Alongside being fully responsive and mobile-friendly, Deeper Comments has lots of features that make it to be your last choice. Comment sorting filters, custom avatars for authors, interactive comments, and modern design are among so many awesome features you will get by having this plugin.

Deeper Comments

Disqus Comment System

Discuss a Comment System that handles the comment system of your blog in a radically innovative way. The plugin offers an outsourced comment handling service removing the burden of comment processing from your shoulders.

The comments are first sent to Disqus servers and then they’re posted on your website. Disqus offers powerful comment moderation and an admin panel that can help you in replying to comments, driving engagement, and even monetizing the content on your blog!

Disqus Comment System

Facebook Comments

Sometimes, offering too many options may also result in your audience becoming irritated. Facebook Comments Plugin makes the process of commenting much simpler by allowing users to post comments by using one-step verification from their Facebook account.

It is one of the most widely used commenting plugins offering advanced options like multi-language support, built-in moderation, etc. This plugin will also help you to increase Facebook engagement to a great extent.

Facebook Comments

WP Review Pro

As the name suggests, it is not a comment plugin that will bring in the commenting tools to your site. However, the main reason for adding this plugin to the commenting plugin is that it offers you the option to add the star rating to your comment section.

If you wish to have a community feel around your site, this plugin will be very helpful. If you are managing a product review site and you want to allow your users to submit their reviews with a star rating, you will be able to do that easily with this plugin.

We have reviewed the WP Review Pro plugin in detail here, this article will help you to understand how useful this plugin is.

WP Review Pro

Yoast Comment Hacks

Yoast Comment Hacks Plugin is one of the most common plugins for SEO and analytics that is provided by Team Yoast. The plugin offers a simple yet effective commenting mechanism.

It lets you enjoy a cleaner comment notifications email along with the seamless integration of a thank you page for first-time commenters.

Yoast Comment Hacks also helps in avoiding spam by providing the facility of not allowing comments above a certain length. 

Yoast Comment Hacks


CommentLuv is one of the few plugins that create a win-win situation for the website as well as the audience. The plugin offers some features that will literally make your audience fall in love with commenting on your blog.

To encourage audience engagement, CommentLuv allows a reader to post a comment and automatically adds a link to their most recent blog post within the comment.

While the method is a pretty useful tool for encouraging people to comment and add a backlink to their website, there is a high chance of increased spam comments on your website.

In order to get the best out of the plugin, you may need to moderate the comment activities regularly.

The plugin also comes with a premium version with additional and advanced features such as social integration, advanced spam protection etc.



The Epoch plugin markets itself as the native alternative for the Disqus commenting platform. This plugin tries to offer you the same feeling as the Disqus platform but still uses the native WordPress platform making sure that the speed of your site is not affected.

It’s a very fast commenting system with real-time updates of sending and receiving comments. And this commenting system works with any WordPress theme perfectly.

Epoch Commenting System


Postmatic is a great plugin that will surely increase engagement on your WordPress site. This plugin gives you the option for the users to subscribe to the replies.

So, the user will have the option to subscribe to the entire conversation or just the replies to his own comment.



Last but not at all least, Akismet is one of the most used anti-spam plugins on WordPress. The plugin uses high-end servers and analyses your website in real-time to protect it from any kind of spam.

Akismet also monitors and moderates the comments activity on your website and keeps it safe from any type of spam.

When you are singing well, your audience will eventually build up and will respond to your performances. But at the same time, there will be some elements of your audience that may trouble you.

Moderating and mentoring the comments of your website manually will take up a lot of your time without providing the benefit of a 24X7 spam-free website.


Popular Widget

Popular Widget is a popular plugin that showcases the posts of your blog that have received the highest number of comments in a widget.

It provides an innovative way to increase the posting of comments and highlighting the most engaging content of your blog in a simple yet effective manner.

You can customize the options such as displaying thumbnails, displaying date ranges, including excerpts etc. within the highly user-friendly interface.

Popular Widget

Comment Popularity

Do you wish to have the voting option on your comments? It brings in a community feel to your site and it will make sure the overall engagement on your site goes up.

We have already discussed the post voting WordPress plugins, a couple of plugins from that list also offer the comment voting option.

This plugin is exclusively created to make sure that the users are instantly able to understand the popularity of any comment on your site.

This is a very simple plugin that will bring in the vote up and down arrow after activating the plugin. Another best part of the plugin is the option to allocate karma each time any user vote up a comment.

As the admin, you will have the option to tag any user as an expert after the user reaches a certain amount of karma. So, overall it’s a great plugin to engage your visitors and make them feel important.

Comment Popularity

Final Word

Of all the above-mentioned WordPress comment plugins, you can choose any one depending on your website’s needs. Just make sure that you maintain a balance between spam protection and comment engagement!

Now that you have got enough knowledge about comments, let us know your views about it in the COMMENTS below!


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