
26 Best Social Community WordPress Themes

Social Community Themes
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This is a collection of the best social community WordPress themes that you can use to create your own social networking site.

The power of Social Media has been on the rise for a while now and it is quite likely that it will continue. One of the prime reasons for social media being a boon for modern businesses is its capability of creating a community of followers, which later can be converted into paying customers.

Amongst all the customer engagement tactics, building a community of followers is highly result-oriented. It not only facilitates knowledge sharing among members but also creates a loyal group of potential customers for your business.

WordPress offers plenty of features that can help you in building a Social Community on your website. All you need is a Social Community theme and everything right from user sign-ups to content sharing, and discussion forums can be integrated into your website!

Most of these Social Community themes integrate seamlessly with BuddyPress, one of the most used Social Community plugins, to equip your website with its social forum.

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BuddyBoss Platform

BiddyBoss Platform is the most comprehensive solution to create a social community site on WordPress without any second thought.

You can create any kind of social networking site using this platform, something like Facebook or Twitter. That’s a big statement, but it is true; the rest will depend on your effort to promote it.

BuddyBoss Platform is the complete solution in terms of design as well as the features it offers.

We have already published a detailed review of the BuddyBoss Platform, you can read that post for more information about the product.

You can use BuddyBoss Platform to

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  • Create an open community site
  • You can create a site to sell online courses
  • You can create a membership site
  • Or any other kind of community site

BuddyBoss Platform is fully customizable, and you can work on the design to make sure that it is perfect as per your requirement.


It is also compatible with the Elementor website builder to help you design unique custom pages without any coding.

For any community site, the member profile page is very important, BuddyBoss offers you great-looking member pages that you can further customize as per your need.


If you ever wanted to create a learning management site, the BuddyBoss Platform is the product you need.

It comes with complete integration with one of the most popular WordPress LMS plugins LearnDash. With BuddyBoss and LearnDash, you will be able to create an online learning site and sell courses.

You also get a quick solution to have your own native mobile app for your community site.

So, overall it is the most comprehensive solution to create a social community website using WordPress.

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Boss is a feature-packed theme offering some of the best Social Community features. The highly user-friendly theme also offers a user-friendly admin panel that lets you customize the layout, fonts, colors, logos, image sliders and much more.

With some special add-ons like the social learner, Boss helps you to create a platform that lets your users experience e-learning in integration with two of the most popular learning plugins in WordPress, LearnDash, and Sensei.

The theme also offers a wide choice of social integration options along with WooCommerce support.

Boss is one of the most comprehensive BuddyPress themes available in the market. You can fully customize it to perfectly fit your need.

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Social Learner

Social Learner is a highly responsive BuddyPress theme for e-learning websites. The theme lets you create a community of people who can share knowledge, ask questions and get the best out of their learning efforts.

Further, it helps you present your content in the best possible manner using features like live notifications, more than 500 high-resolution fonts, and Woo-Commerce integration to help you sell e-learning courses.

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One Social takes Social Community integration to the next level by offering features like a User-Managed blogging platform, multilingual support, and WooCommerce support amongst many others.

The theme comes with a one-click installer and an extremely user-friendly admin panel that helps you customize widgets, layouts, sliders, social integration, and much more with ease.

With OneSocial, you can create a community of followers with almost all the important features of a social network.

One Social
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Divi Theme

Divi is not a typical community theme, but a very powerful multipurpose WordPress theme that can be used for any niche website.

This theme is loaded with features and it will surely take your online business to the next level. As the theme is backed by the experienced Elegant Themes team, you don’t have to worry about support.

It is one of the best and most constantly evolving WordPress themes in the market. The theme is regularly updated with amazing new features.

The Divi Theme is backed by the powerful Divi Builder which is one of the best drag-and-drop website builders for WordPress. In fact, it is the most powerful front-end builder for WordPress.

You can quickly add any module to any section of your pages and start editing right in the front-end of the site.

Along with the developer team, this theme is also backed by a very big community and beautiful Divi layouts are shared constantly and are free to use.

We have recently published an article about the best Divi site examples that you can have a look for some inspiration.

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Social MarketPlace

Social MarketPlace is a social community theme that can be used to create a community of online shoppers. The theme offers a unique combination of Woo-Commerce, WP Vendor, and BuddyPress to provide an innovative touch to online selling.

Social MarketPlace allows users to create and customize their own online store on your website.

Along with the highly customizable admin dashboard, the theme comes with a complete set of advanced e-commerce features such as order tracking, commission management, store search and much more!

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BuddyApp is the perfect community site theme if you want to have a modern look and feel on your website. It incorporates almost all essential BuddyPress features such as live customization, live notifications, and community groups along with a sleek modern design.

BuddyApp is designed keeping in mind the “mobile-first” approach to present a convenient user experience.

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Create a modern, fully-featured social networking site with the Reign theme and BuddyPress.

One of the most comprehensive social community themes, the Reign theme offers you multiple design options to choose from including a demo design that looks like Facebook.

No matter what kind of community site you wish to create, this theme will perfectly fit your requirements.

Other than the homepage designs, the theme offers you an amazing custom design for the BuddyPress pages.

Even if you are planning a niche community site for a specific goal, this theme is perfect for your purpose. You can use the theme and customize it to fit your needs precisely.

The theme offers you over 1000 theme options, this number explains how comprehensive this theme is.

You can fully customize the design of your site using the powerful Elementor website builder.

Reign BuddyPress Theme
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If you wish to create a powerful membership community site, look no further. The Aardvark theme is one of the best options to create a complete membership site.

The theme is compatible with the BuddyPress plugin so that you can easily add social features to your site.

You can use this theme to create any kind of niche community sites such as a blogging community, e-learning community, eCommerce community or any other niche membership site.

The theme is extremely powerful and comprehensive in terms of customization options. You have the code-free option to fine-tune the design of your site perfectly.

You get the premium drag-and-drop website builder with the theme for free that you can use to create your custom layouts.

The powerful theme options panel will help you to get started on your site quickly. The default WordPress theme customizer is loaded with options so that you can quickly change the options of your site easily.


The Aardvark theme comes with a number of ready-to-be-used demo design templates that you can use to create your site. You have the option to import any of the demo designs with just one-click so that your site is ready almost instantly.

Aardvark theme
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If you ever wanted to create a social question-and-answer site like Quora, you will love this theme. The theme comes with a great-looking, very professional modern design that will surely help you create a premium community.

With this theme, you can quickly create an engaging community and the theme offers you all the option to monetize your traffic with advertisements.

This is a mobile-optimized and retina-ready design that will make your site look great on all modern devices.

Along with questions and answers, this theme also offers you a nice option for polls and surveys. You will love the overall design of the theme as it looks neat.

The theme offers you a beautiful single-page interface making it easier for the users to read the answers and submit their own answers.

Discy Question and Answer Themes
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Built with high-end features, Buddy seamlessly gets integrated with any type of website segment be it business, magazine, community, or portfolio.

The fully responsive and modern theme is based on BuddyPress but can work equally smooth without BuddyPress. Buddy offers some of the best options for you to build a Social Community in a hassle-free manner.

From responsive layout, translation, SEO optimization and retina display to extremely useful shortcodes; Buddy cater to all the requirements a modern Social Community needs to have.

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Sweet Date

If you are planning to build a community of people looking for their soulmate, then Sweet Date is the perfect option for you!

The highly user-friendly dating theme allows users to create their profiles, make friends, exchange messages and even get matched with people who have similar interests.

The responsive theme comes with retina display and a customizable membership plug-in that can be used to create paid membership levels for your users.

Sweet love enhances the customer experience by integrating features like social search, notifications, Facebook login and mobile responsive design.

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Do you wish to create your own social bookmarking site? Here is the best theme for creating a top social bookmarking site on the WordPress platform.

This theme offers you everything that you need to create a complete bookmarking site. The theme comes with a theme options panel where you can manage everything for your site with ease.

The theme comes with unlimited color options to choose from and make sure that your site looks perfect as per your requirement.

As the name suggests, the UpVote theme comes with post voting option and custom algorithm to promote posts to trending.

The theme comes with the front-end post submission option and when you place the URL of the post-it automatically fetches the other details of the post.

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Create a highly engaging viral content community site with this amazing theme. The BoomBox theme is one of the best viral WordPress themes that you can use to create your viral site.

You have the option to showcase sponsored post and make money. The design of the theme is highly flexible and you can work around the design easily.

This theme offers an option to submit content from the front-end of the site and it comes with a variety of different content types to choose from.

To make it more engaging the theme created a set of amazing handcrafted icons for different activities and emotions.

The design is fully customizable, from classic layout to a modern grid layout, you have all the options to choose from.

BoomBox Theme
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PowerMag is a highly flexible theme that lets you create a social community within a news/magazine layout. The theme comes with a BuddyPress-ready layout that can be used to get your users talking very quickly.

PowerMag offers some of the most user engagement-oriented features such as social count, mobile responsive design, and built-in review system, among others.

PowerMag 1
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If you wish to create a news magazine site, a directory site or an online shop and have a community around it, this theme is perfect for you.

The theme comes with tons of options that will help you to create a successful business site. This is a multipurpose WordPress theme that offers you the option to create a number of different niche sites with just one theme.

For example, if you wish to create a directory site, the theme comes with the complete options and features that are required in a top-quality directory site and offers you multiple demo design options to get started.

Likewise, you have multiple design options to create a magazine site, product selling site etc. The theme is perfectly compatible with the bbPress and BuddyPress plugins to make sure that you are able to create your community site easily.

Lynk theme is highly customizable and you can choose any of the demo design options and take that ahead with your own customizations.

You have custom header design options, useful front-end forms, beautiful mega menu option, live notification option and a lot more.

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Social Portfolio

Social Portfolio is a portfolio theme that lets you create a community of artists, creative professionals, and freelancers who can display and share their work on your website.

Social Portfolio creates a creative portfolio community that lets users create their page, and portfolio, upload images, videos and display their work.

The theme offers a combination of BuddyPress and portfolio offering many useful features such as your completed projects, work in progress, collections, etc.

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One of the most comprehensive social networking WordPress themes, the Olympus theme offers you all the modern features and options that you will need to create a complete social site.

It is perfectly compatible with the Youzer and BuddyPress plugins to bring the top social features to your site.

Another big advantage of this theme is that it s compatible with plugins like LearnDash so that you can create your own eLearning site and sell courses.

Olympus is perfectly compatible with the WP Bakery as well as Elementor website builder making it easier for the users to create completely unique pages without writing a single line of code.

Olympus BuddyPress Theme
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KLEO is one of the most demanded BuddyPress themes on the Envato Market. The theme offers a fully responsive design along with a huge list of features such as custom tabs, Google Fonts, 3 level drop-down menu, and 1-click installation along with a number of versatile demos.

KLEO integrates WooCommerce and BuddyPress to build an attractive set of multipurpose websites.

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OneCommunity is one of the most user-friendly social community themes that can be customized with advanced features like drag and drop builder.

The theme comes with pre-built shortcodes, 3 level drop-down menu, three blog variants, LearnPress plugin for e-learning and various other features that make it a perfect choice for creating a website for open-source blogging and community learning.

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United Community

United Community is a BuddyPress theme offering one-click installation and integration with rtMedia.  The theme can be customized with many features such as groups. User panels, forums, live chats and much more.

The theme comes power-packed with a responsive layout and is compatible with IE10, IE11, Opera, and Chrome.

United Community
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SocialChef beautifully cooks the social community integration on your website with its highly responsive design and SEO optimized functionality. The theme is specifically designed for creating communities of people who are interested in cooking.

Users with similar skills and interests are given suggestions for joining groups and following other users. SocialChef’s advanced search and front-end submission feature allows the users to submit and share their recipes with their followers.

The theme seamlessly integrates social sharing and user ratings within groups and on user profiles.

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CommunityJunction Social WordPress Theme

CommunityJunction is a social community WordPress theme that comes with a flexible modular layout. The theme can be customized to be formed into a member forum or can be integrated with BuddyPress to include features like messaging, member list, profile, group covers and much more.

The theme offers more than 40 different inner pages including the registration page, login page, password recovery page, account activation page, group forum page, group single topic page, group activity page and many others.

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Blackfyre – Gaming Community BuddyPress Theme

Blackfyre is a social community theme specifically designed for gamers. The theme comes with a highly responsive layout and it is designed with strong colors and fonts making it an ideal design for game lovers.

Blackfyre allows users to create a gaming community and challenge their fellow users by creating clans. Users can track their progress and share it with their fellow gamers.

The theme also comes with a predefined page layout and also offers WooCommerce support.

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True to its name, Socialize is a perfect BuddyPress theme for websites that want to encourage user networking and community creation.

Just like other BuddyPress themes, Socialize lets users create groups, chat and interact with other users, and share posts with them.

The theme comes with multiple layouts for you to customize them as per your needs. And you can also ease the process of theme installation with visual composer and one-click installation.

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Final Word

No matter if you are a blogger, a service provider or an e-commerce merchant; integrating social community on your website will give you the added advantage of increased customer reach and engagement.

Out of the many available options for promoting your website, social communities are one of the most result-oriented methods.

All you need to do is choose from the wide range of theme options mentioned above and get going on a journey towards building your website’s social community! 


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