If you are looking for the best Moz alternatives for SEO analysis of your business, here we are with some of the top alternative options.
SEO is a very wide subject in itself, and you have to know the basics of SEO as well as the tools that can help you to take your overall SEO game ahead.
If you are just getting started with your online business, make sure to read the top digital marketing blogs to understand SEO and related subjects so that you don’t land in trouble later.
It is important to know what not to do so that you avoid any kind of SEO penalty by Google and other search engines.
As we are talking about Moz, let’s first understand the platform.
Moz (formerly SEOMoz) is a well-known name in the SEO industry who is offering SEO related services for many years.
If you talk to marketers, blogger or read about blogging and related subjects, you will surely come across the services offered by Moz.
The popular Domain Authority is an analytical parameter offered by Moz that you can use to understand the authority of a site.
It is not related to the Google algorithm, but it can surely provide you some idea about a domain.
Why Moz Alternatives?
If you are looking for the Moz alternatives, your reason could be different from others.
For many users, the cost of Moz might not be affordable or the services they offer might not be sufficient.
Also, it is good to use different tools and cross-check different parameters of your site to have an in-depth idea about the health of your website.
The good news is that there are a number of top quality Moz alternatives to review if you are not satisfied with Moz for whatever reason.
This listing of the best Moz alternatives includes many choices that will fit in well with your plans for managing content online and going forward with your work.
You can start your search for something new with SEMrush. This is a marketing site that gives you extra help with an in-depth analysis of your own site as well as your competitors.
The SEO functions supported by SEMrush include help for technical audits and for identifying your position versus other similar sites. The system reviews how easy it is for people to crawl through your site as well.
SEMrush is one of the most comprehensive SEO analysis tools available. It comes with a number of different tools that will help you to do in-depth analysis of any website.
When you start an online business, be it a blog or an eCommerce site; competator analysis should be your starting point so that you are aware of what is working for your competitors.
With the SEMrush toolset, you can do detailed analysis of any of your competitor. You can Find the top traffic driving pages, you can find the exact pages and anchor text for the backlink profile of your competitors so that you can replicate those for your business as well.
You can use the SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool to find profitable keywords to create content around.
Overall, SEMrush is one of the most suitable Moz alternatives that you can use.
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You can compare up to five domains with SEMrush
Works with more than a hundred geographic databases
Includes analysis for geographic locations of page hits
Use the market research tool to identify the most popular hashtags and other keys
Analysis of your backlinks and your competitors’ backlinks
You can look through more than fifteen trillion live links through Ahrefs. The system that Ahrefs uses lets you identify many things surrounding what you are using for searches.
You can review competitors, identify how well your backlinks work, and track the ranks of the individual keywords you want to research.
The thorough work being handled through Ahrefs lets you get in touch with your site’s general efforts for being readable and accessible in many forms.
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One of the most comprehensive SEO analysis tools
Research on any domain
Find the backlink source of your competatiors
Work with searches by country
Works with more than three trillion known URLs
Screaming Frog
You can also look at Screaming Frog to see how well your work might be useful.
Screaming Frog provides a suitable layout that features details on how well your SEO plans are working and how your social media sites are being highlighted.
The setup on Screaming Frog particularly focuses on the site crawling features. The crawler works by helping you to manage many things that you might need to cover.
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Get search statistics on all the keywords you wish to utilize
Regular SEO reports help you identify many ways how your content is working
Customize content based on different time periods for operation
You can grow your site quite well with HubSpot. The site reviews the ways how your business is growing and where your content might flow and work.
This includes noting how well your content is arranged based on factors like how the content shows on many places on your site and how you’re going to send out emails to other people.
The thorough work that HubSpot offers ensures you’ll have more control over what you are doing.
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This may work when reviewing the layout of your customer service page or help site
Use the email analysis tool to identify keywords in your email messages
Review how your pages perform on multiple search engines, including smaller ones
Your next option to utilize is Serpstat, a place that offers information on everything that has happened with your site in the past.
You can use SERP historical data to review how hashtags and other pages have been working overtime. Keywords can also be grouped by tags through the site to help you move forward with your work and make the content more effective.
The thorough site audit feature that Serpstat offers helps you to review the quality of your site based on how well keywords are laid out and if your links are working properly. You have the option to conduct daily audits through Serpstat if you wish.
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Includes a thorough competitor research tool
Backlink analysis gives you info on backlinks from the past two years
Use adaptable filters when figuring out the keywords being used on your site
You can also utilize Web CEO when finding an alternative to Moz that works for you.
With Web CEO, you can find information on your SEO work through several professional-grade tools. Web CEO uses rank tracking features to identify how keywords are changing in popularity over time.
Extra analytical features are also included through Web CEO to identify how well your newest keywords are functioning and if you need to make any extra changes to your work.
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Collaboration features help you work on SEO tasks with others in the workplace
You can use an SEO widget on your site to get daily updates
Produce professional-quality SEO reports
Long Tail Pro
You need to find keywords can be critical for the success of your site.
Long Tail Pro gives you the option to review details surrounding related keywords, competitor keywords, and SERP analysis for each of the keywords you want to work with.
The review process helps you identify many things surrounding the content you’re using and helps you with researching your content well and with ease, thus giving you extra help over how well you’re going to manage your work online.
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Lets you work with automatic and manual searches for keywords
Works on many search engines
You can automatically find domains through this
Raven is a trustworthy option that has become a big deal among many developers in recent times.
Raven lets you identify different trends related to your business. With Raven, you can complete a full site audit, research keywords on your site and other peoples’ sites, and analyze backlinks.
This all works with comprehensive content with the same platform involved, so you don’t have to struggle with lots of content all around the place.
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Works with social media content
You can link this to Constant Contact, MailChimp, and other outside programs
Rank tracking identifies ranks by zip code and other features
The rich graphics display helps identify many things in your work
Conductor is another option for users that gives you help with finding points on where your keywords are going and how well the content is being utilized.
The connections and links used on your site can be tracked to any transactions or transfers made on your site.
The thorough work helps you identify many things on your site surrounding how well people are accessing and using your content in many forms.
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Simple to use interface for research and analysis
Gives you details on how well your site is operating in any situation
Optimize your content based on results
Some Moz alternatives focus on very specific activities that can take place when working on your analytical affairs. SpyFu is one such option, as it reviews your competitors’ keywords and ads.
The competitor analysis focus of SpyFu reviews your work and confirms how well these keywords are being handled.
You’ll need to notice these points when making more out of your work with keywords that you want to use to try and lure people from other sites.
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SpyFu offers regular smart recommendations for certain keywords
You can review keyword rankings in real time
Produce better connections with SpyFu
Majestic provides a link index database that helps you review your content well and analyzes what you want to utilize at any moment.
You can use a site explorer to identify how well your content is working or to check on any backlinks you are using at a time.
The Search Explorer feature lets you search for keywords while getting general scores on how those keywords are operating. You can use this to figure out where certain keywords are going within your work.
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Adapts to changes in search engine algorithms Review backlink history
Can work with various social media sites
You can also use Majestic to review tags and other features on rich media content files
Final Word
These are all good options to see if you’re looking for a Moz alternative. Each choice here will help you with all the specific needs you have surrounding your work.