Strong graphic design and increased visual appeal can be a great way to help maximize your user engagement.
The graphics of all your material- from your website to your social media content- play a significant role in generating your leads, improving conversions and campaign results, and in keeping your customer base loyal and engaged.
Graphics are a fantastic vector for engaging users because they produce strong emotions that can lead to fast responses and results. There are plenty of areas where great graphic design services can help you get the results you want- here are just a few!
Graphic Design Use Cases

1. Web Applications
Needless to say, a strong website is the cornerstone of any attempt to boost performance or increase engagement. While the backend of your website is important for smooth functionality, a lot of how willing customers are to engage with you online starts with your graphic design.
The old distinctions of ‘tech savvy’ and ‘not’ in users have fallen away entirely. It’s important that users from all walks of life can easily use your website- and do so on a vast range of devices, from PCs to mobile phones of any description. Good graphic design can make-or-break your company’s online presence.
Making sure your website structure funnels users correctly, keeps them interested, and moves them towards the outcomes you want is essential- and a strong graphic design service will help you achieve these goals.
2. App Design
There’s an app for that! The only question is, is it yours? As more and more of our online browsing habits are focused on mobile use, having an app that seamlessly integrates with your other online functionality is a must. As with your website, the backend design matters- but so does your user interface.
Graphic design for apps can be tricky, too. You have a much more limited-screen real estate than with websites and other media, and you’re working around the limitations of touchscreens on those small screens.
Not only must your app seamlessly integrate with your other branding efforts, but it also needs to be pleasing and again funnel the customer through the sales journey meaningfully. And good app store graphics can be the difference between standing out or getting lost.
3. Social Media Presences
Many companies forget that their social media campaigns and efforts are an integrated part of their brand. Common graphic design issues we see here include forgetting to include and design at all!
Something as simple as branding your social posts, ensuring they use consistent graphics, colors, and fonts, and including tangible calls to action on the content you share can completely change how your social media marketing efforts work for you.
4. UCG Ads
User Generated Content, or UCG, is an often under-used brand booster that more companies should have on their radar.
After all, we all know, “word of mouth is the best form of advertising!” UCG can hold more weight with customers than your planned brand campaigns, and may even be the key factor in sending people’s purchasing decisions your way.
UCG is anything related to your services, content, or brand generated by unpaid contributors. It could be a shout-out on social media, a review, a video of your products, someone’s praise-filled social post, or a hundred other things.
Yet, like social content, companies often forget to re-brand and use graphic design with their UCG to promote themselves, if they’re leveraging it at all.
Using a graphic design service to streamline and ‘onboard’ your UCG to make sure it is consistent with your brand voice and recognizably part of your marketing efforts can be an invaluable way to stretch that word of mouth even further to work for you.
5. Creative for Ads
Advertising is a simple concept, but the intricacies of ensuring you’re spending your money wisely when marketing can be tricky indeed. We’ve all seen hilarious ad creative fails.
Sure, it is good for a laugh- but do you want to see your brand up there to be mocked? Using a thorough and smart graphic design service to ensure the money you put towards ad campaigns, from print media and billboards right through to social media marketing, is well spent, consistent with your brand, and effective for your target market is essential.
6. 3D Animation and Video
With video becoming a cornerstone of marketing efforts, we’re seeing more focus placed on smart video branding, and a wider exploration of the power of 3D animation that can be effortlessly created and used to further your goals.
It’s another key are of the marketing mountain that companies should be focused on, and ensuring your graphic design is on-point, for a medium that’s quite literally built from graphics, is essential.
Smart graphic design should be a cornerstone of every company. From increasing your marketing pull to ensuring a consistent, recognizable brand voice across all your channels, putting your graphic design at the center of your plans will pay off in increased conversions, better performance, and the engagement you’ve been looking for.