31 Best Genesis Child Themes

Genesis Themes
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Created by the Studiopress team, Genesis is one of the leading WordPress frameworks and a top choice for many leading pro bloggers.

Genesis is known for its simplicity, SEO strength and the security it provides to your site. Genesis is well-coded and it takes the security of your site very seriously.

If you wish to create a content-focused website with the extra SEO advantage, Genesis is undoubtedly one of the best choices for you.

No matter, you are a pro blogger or a newbie Genesis will be equally effective for you. When you shift from any other theme to Genesis; you will instantly see lightness and fresh feel on your site.

Some of the advantages of using the Genesis Framework.

.ugb-2988a1f li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-2988a1f.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Genesis is created with top-notch security in mind.
  • Genesis offers you built-in SEO features to rank your content well.
  • Genesis is lightning fast and surely puts you on an advantage over your competitors.
  • Genesis is mobile friendly.

Genesis Child Theme

Genesis is a child theme based framework. That means you will need to get a child theme for your site along with the main framework.

This is a great advantage in many ways. You must have seen losing all the modifications on your site when you upgrade your theme.

This will not happen with Genesis. You can easily update the main framework on your site for any bug fixes or new features while your modifications will stay with the child theme.

Now, let’s have a look at some of the best Genesis Child themes

Top Genesis Child Themes

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Essence Pro 

If you need a strong combination of modern SEO friendly design and security, here is the theme you need. A beautiful Genesis child Theme created for bloggers and media sites.

The theme comes with a great looking design that will instantly bring in a professional feel to your site. You will love how the header section of the theme looks.

We have seen that most of the Genesis powered sites loads a lot faster than most of the other frameworks and themes because the framework is coded with the most advanced codes and is lightweight.

This theme also takes this legacy further by offering you a very fast loading design which will eventually offer you an SEO advantage.

If your WordPress blog is powered by any other theme at the moment, you can give it a facelift with this amazing design.

The Essence Pro theme will make your site look great on both the desktop and the mobile devices.

You will be able to setup the theme with the help of powerful theme options panel quickly and make sure that your site is packed with the most advanced SEO features.

This theme is perfectly compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, so you can use this theme to create your eCommerce store as well.

Essence Pro Theme
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Breakthrough Pro

A modern and clean Genesis Child Theme design that you can use to create your business as well as a personal blog site.

The minimal feel of the theme is the main highlight. You can create a site that will offer a great experience to your users.

Breakthrough Pro theme comes with an advanced theme options panel that you can use to set up your site and make all required changes as per your requirement.

Along with creating content, you can use this theme to create your eCommerce site as well. The design and functionalities are perfectly optimized for the WooCommerce plugin.

This theme is compatible with the new Gutenberg editor, so you can use the Gutenberg blocks to create great-looking posts on your site.

Breakthrough Pro Theme
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Parallax Pro

Parallax Pro offers a multi-purpose interface for the storytelling blogger. You have five color styles, custom background, a custom header, HTML5 markup, footer widgets, and a mobile responsive plus retina-ready theme in Parallax Pro.

The display is smooth, crisp, and is built with a detailed material design. You have four premade templates – Default, Blog, Archives, and Landing Page – to build the website. Your homepage can have a maximum of five custom widgets for multiple displays of information.

If you want to tell stories and present them in an enviable display format, choose the Parallax Pro.

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Authority Pro

As the name of the theme suggests, this is a design that is used by authority bloggers. It comes with a very professional-looking design, a clean, minimal and elegant layout.

The Authority Pro theme offers you all the options to showcase your work in the most professional way. You can showcase the logo of the sites where your brand was mentioned to increase the trust factor.

It offers you the email opt-in section in the homepage header areas which is one of the top converting areas on the site.

If you wish to present yourself as one of the authority blogs on your site, look no further because this is the theme you need.

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Author PRO

Author Pro helps published authors build a better online library of books with its intuitive design and powerful functionality. It has user-friendly features. It is available for $99.95.

It has theme options, Genesis author Pro plugin, theme customizer, homepage widget areas, customizable header, and mobile responsiveness.

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Foodie Pro

This is a brutally splendid website theme that is used by a lot of website owners besides belonging to a high-price community.

The price which needs to be paid in exchange for this theme set is $129.95. This theme tends to complement each and every kind of website approach very well.

The design of this theme is very crisp and to the point. There is no extra inclusion of anything. There are a lot of mesmerizing features that can be used to customize this theme as per personal use. The style of this theme is enough to speak for itself.

There are a lot of color variants available, and also, the availability of different typography options adds to the product differentiation.

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Mai Lifestyle Pro

A clean, minimal, and powerful Genesis child theme for your lifestyle blogs. If you are a lifestyle blogger, use this theme and just focus on creating content.

Once you start using this theme, you don’t have to take tension about your site SEO, security, and other day-to-day issues, so you will have plenty of time to create awesome content.

This theme is created with the latest design trend in mind. You have an amazing full-width section to spice up your site with headlines and other important updating along with the blog post section.

It’s a mobile-friendly theme with a powerful theme options panel, theme customizer, customizable header, and many other features.

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Academy Pro

Academy Pro, as the name, suggests a theme created for the online courses. This theme is designed with the latest design trend in mind.

This Genesis Child Theme is perfect for online course sites, schools, colleges, and any other educational sites.

The theme comes with a powerful theme options panel to help you fine-tune your site with ease. You can customize the design of your site as per your requirement.

The homepage of the theme is designed to showcase the important section of your site, nice call to action details, an introductory section, and testimonials.

Academy Pro Theme
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Niche Pro 

A very clean and minimal Genesis Child Theme for lifestyle bloggers. The theme is created with a minimal design so that your users can consume your content without any distractions.

The theme offers you a powerful theme options panel so that you can easily set up your site quickly. You have layout options, and custom header options to make your site unique.

This theme is perfectly compatible with the WooCommerce plugin so you can use this theme to create your online store.

Niche Pro Theme
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Gallery Pro Theme

Gallery Pro Theme is a beautiful creative design with a clean and minimal style.

The theme can be a great option for bloggers, and photographers to showcase content in the most elegant way.

The theme is created with all Genesis standards to make sure that you are able to create a highly optimized website for your business.

The theme comes with easy to use theme customizer, a customizable header section, beautiful layout options and more.

Gallery Pro Theme
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Wellness Pro Theme

Wellness is big business these days and it will surely grow even further. If you wish to create your own wellness-related website, here is the theme you need.

A trendy and good-looking Genesis Child Theme for wellness-related websites. It’s a high-quality mobile-friendly design that will make your site look great on all devices.

The theme is perfectly compatible with the WooCommerce plugin so you can use this to create your wellness-related eCommerce site easily.

Wellness Pro Theme
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Maker Pro

Looking for a minimal yet powerful design for your WordPress site, here is the theme you need. Maker Pro is a very clean and minimal design with an amazing layout that will offer a distraction-free experience to your visitors.

The theme offers you a powerful theme customizer to fine-tune the design of your site as per your requirement.

Maker Pro Theme
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Simply Pro

Looking for a clean and minimal Genesis theme, look at Simply Pro. This is a very professional-looking, fresh and elegant design that will make your site look neat.

generally, clean and minimal designs tend to work the best because visitors like a clean design that offers a distraction-free reading experience.

Though the theme looks very simple, you have all the options to customize it and make it look colorful in case you like a design with attractive colors.

The theme comes with an advanced theme options panel to help you set up all the options on your site easily. The theme is lightweight and quick to make sure that your site has an SEO advantage.

It comes with a customizable header section, valid HTML markup, fully responsive design to make your site look great on mobile devices.

Simply Pro Theme
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Infinity Pro

A top-quality WordPress theme that you can use for almost any kind of website be it a business site or a blog.

The theme options panel will help you to set things up and get started with your site quickly.

Like most of the other Genesis Child themes, the Infinity Pro is also compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, so you can use it to create your online store as well.

The theme customizer is loaded with options to make sure that you are able to customize the overall design of your site quickly.

Infinity Pro 
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Fearless is a beautiful theme for photography websites. The theme has a collapsible floating menu for not to disturb the photographic content and text.

You have pixel-perfect styling for mobile or desktop with a homepage slideshow, multiple blogs, pages and post templates.

Price starting at $49 for IMAGELY themes, this theme puts your pictures and photographs to an all-new level regarding creativity and presence when you use a theme like this one.

This theme has many other plugins and features which can be further availed at a competitive price for a lifetime.

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Start is an awesome one-page theme. This has been built with Bootstrap and Parallax. For this theme, you will have Theme options for customizing the theme. The theme is built on powerful coding and is mobile-ready to make it more viable to use in the modern world.

This theme also has localization support for you to change the language of the theme by editing .p/.mo files along with all modern popular browsers support for great flexibility.

Minimal genesis child theme
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Patricia is a non-profit WordPress theme designed for charity organizations. This Genesis theme has six color options, and heaps of features, and it is SEO-friendly.

Patricia accompanies featured post images, numerous sidebars, and a home page with lots of widgets, call-to-action widgets with an event calendar and photo gallery.

The theme is mobile responsive, and it is coded with HTML5. It is additionally interpretation prepared with i18N Right-to-Left (RTL) support built-in. You will also have an option for a Newsletter sign-up box, latest tweets, a donation button, social icons, and more.

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Mai Law Pro Theme

If you are managing a law firm and wish to create your website, Mai Law Pro Theme is one of the best options for you. This theme is custom created for the layers to promote work online.

It is fully optimized WordPress theme with a modern design and works beautifully on the small screen devices.

This can be a great design option for any other business or agency site as well. The theme comes with an easy customization option so that you can fine-tune it as per your requirement.

In fact, the theme offers you nine different layout options to get started quickly and create the perfect design for your site.

Mai Law Pro Theme
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Derrick is a WordPress LMS theme that accompanies great options for creating an online training program, an enrollment web page with advanced download deals, and email list developer.

It likewise accompanies numerous suggestions to take action symbols so you can blend and match pictures to meet individual needs.

The WordPress theme is mobile responsive, based on Genesis, coded with HTML5 and a backing diagram. It is likewise an interpretation prepared with i18N Right-to-Left (RTL) support work in the theme.

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Jessica is an adaptable WordPress e-Commerce theme that gives you a chance to pick from three different e-Commerce modules. The subject is pre-styled for WooCommerce, iThemes Exchange, and WP web-based business.

The store template comes with options to capture subscribers, measuring tables, and contact forms. The landing page is completely widgetized so you can choose the substance and arrangement.

The WordPress theme is mobile responsive, coded with HTML5 and backings outline. It is likewise interpretation prepared with i18N Right-to-Left (RTL) bolster worked in.

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News Pro

This News Pro theme is available for $99.95. As the name suggests, this theme is great for creating websites on trending subjects, such as sports, entertainment, technology, and such. You can display news tickers to show breaking news and recent updates.

The homepage has multiple styling options with unlimited widgets. You can make the most of the audio and the videos too. The design is simple yet way too classy to generate a lot of public attention. You tend to get a lot popular with this amazing theme.

best genesis child themes
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This SEO-optimized website theme with a clean and minimal design. All Child themes inherit Genesis SEO options and functionalities. The theme can be used in numerous kinds of domains.

Most of the themes have included templates of different kinds as well as shortcodes which also help in increasing the functionality.

The themes can also be translated into language based on the personal choice and benefit of the user of the website theme.

All the included themes are known to be compatible and comfortable with the recent types of browsers.

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It is an incredible decision for anybody searching for a Genesis child theme topic to help them manufacture an expert photography portfolio site.

The landing page template can be utilized to create a full-screen photographic slideshow.

All themes are built to adapt beautifully from desktop to any mobile device. All themes are compatible with the most recent versions of browsers – Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE9 and recent.

Gallery genesis theme
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The Executive theme has been created with the understanding that your most important projects need to be front and center, strategically and expertly displayed.

With a solid landing page format that makes it simple to put up your best work front, Executive contains a bunch of valuable components that ought to urge your guests to connect with you.

For those looking for a corporate and expert character for their site, Executive proves to be the most appropriate option for them.

This theme is available for $99.95. This cost includes the cost of the incorporation and structure too.

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Metro is a modern magazine-style layout built on an optimized mobile responsive platform. It has an 1152 pixel-wide frame which highlights the online publishing for a wide-screen world. It is available for $99.95.

It has theme options, Custom page templates, theme customizer, homepage widget areas, Customizable header and it is mobile responsive.

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Altitude Pro

This is available for a price of $99.95, which includes the Genesis framework.

Every segment that makes up the homepage can have its own arranging and foundation picture, separating the available content into more sensible pieces of data.

This theme is built for the purpose to take you and your online business higher.

This theme features a custom background, custom header, landing page, theme customizer and sidebar layout options which make this theme more responsive and user-friendly for various kinds of devices.

With clean code and a negligible plan, utilizing Altitude Pro is a surefire approach to guarantee that your Genesis-controlled WordPress site is quick stacking, as well as simple to utilize.

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Café Pro

Cafe Pro is a perfect decision for anybody making a site for a restaurant or any other business that wants to attract customers to their online presence. It combines elements of the two most popular child themes – Parallax and Foodie.

This theme features custom page templates, homepage widget area with custom header and layout options and color styles.

The long frame landing page design additionally makes it simple to give all the fundamental data to your guests, without them clicking through to some other pages.

.ugb-cf8ae45 .ugb-button1{background-color:#ff6900}.ugb-cf8ae45 .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-cf8ae45 .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-cf8ae45 .ugb-button2{background-color:#000000}.ugb-cf8ae45 .ugb-button2 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-cf8ae45 .ugb-button2 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}


Magazine theme has high gloss and feel of a magazine layout. The online features of this theme look much better compared to others with versatile layouts and media-ready design.

The choice of shading styles and format choices permit you to modify the presence of your site when utilizing this Genesis child theme and by utilizing the suggested modules, you can add basic things to your site easily.

The theme has custom page templates, theme customizer, homepage widget areas, a customizable header with custom menus and various layout options.

.ugb-4123761 .ugb-button1{background-color:#ff6900}.ugb-4123761 .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-4123761 .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-4123761 .ugb-button2{background-color:#000000}.ugb-4123761 .ugb-button2 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-4123761 .ugb-button2 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}


Hyphen is a beautiful, clean and minimal Genesis Child Theme for the eCommerce sites. You can use this theme to create your own online store using this strong framework.

This theme is very quick and SEO friendly to make sure that your content gets the edge over your competitors.

HYPHEN Genesis Theme
.ugb-c299424 .ugb-button1{background-color:#ff6900}.ugb-c299424 .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-c299424 .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-c299424 .ugb-button2{background-color:#000000}.ugb-c299424 .ugb-button2 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-c299424 .ugb-button2 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}


As already mentioned Genesis is one of the most widely used, SEO-friendly WordPress theme frameworks that are the top choice of many leading bloggers.

If you start using Genesis for your site, you will surely see improvements in terms of the loading time of your site as well as the overall SEO score of your site.

Also, Genesis is known for the security of any site. So, if you are using Genesis; your site will be a lot safer than many other sites.

All these themes are great and highly efficient not only in performing and giving the best results but also in matching the expectation of the visitors.

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