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9 Best WordPress Database Plugins

A comprehensive list of plugins that will make database for your WordPress site safe and easy to manage.

Best WordPress Database Plugins

The database of your WordPress site is undoubtedly the most important asset for your online business. You can build up everything else, but once the database is gone you will have to start again.

Having said that, we all understand the importance of taking regular backups of the site data. If you are not making the backup of your site regularly, you need to start now.

It takes a lot of time and effort to make a profitable business out of a website. You can create your website in a day using WordPress, but it takes months or years to earn good revenue from that site.

So, you need to make sure that your business is safe & healthy all the time. These days, most of the good quality web hosting companies make the regular backup of the site hosted on their platform.

However, it will be really wise to make the backup at your end as well just to be double sure.

The database of your site is extremely important at the same time it is fragile so you need to take that extra care to keep it perfectly healthy.

Also, the database plays a very important role in the overall performance of your site. And the performance can be improved by optimizing the database in the right way.

Old unnecessary draft posts, revisions, spam comments pile up and bloat the database, you need to make sure that you get rid of all those unnecessary data at a regular interval to keep it light.

In this article, we have listed the best database management WordPress plugins that will help you to keep the database of your site healthy and optimize it to improve the overall performance of your site.

1. WP-Optimize


As already mentioned in the introduction, the WordPress database saves a lot of unnecessary data on your databases such as old post revisions that you don’t need anymore, spam comments, theme and plugin configurations, and many other things.

The database of your site gets bloated without any benefit from such data. This plugin will be the magic stick for you in this regard and optimize your database in just one click.

The plugin will also optimize the overall database of your site after removing all unnecessary data from your site making your site a lot quicker and cleaner.

With over 800k active installations, the WP-Optimize plugin is one of the top WordPress database management plugins that are available for free.

  • Free to use
  • Easy and quick action
  • Auto-optimize the database of your site at regular intervals
  • Make pre-optimize backup
  • You will see the potential saving in the database
  • You can choose which database you wish to clear and optimize

2. WP-DB Manager


Another very useful WordPress database management plugin. The WP-DB manager plugin will help you to optimize the overall database of your site.

You can use this plugin to create a regular backup of your site as well as restore the database when it is required.

If there is an issue with the database, it will also repair it to make sure that your site functions properly.

  • Create an automatic backup of your database
  • Optimize the database on autopilot at set intervals
  • Automatic repairing of the database

3. BackWPup Free


As the name suggests, this is a free backup plugin for WordPress. Many users can’t afford premium backup plugins and look for a quality free alternative, here is the option you need.

Along with creating a backup of your site, this plugin will also help you to optimize the database of your site as well as repair it to fix issues.

  • Easy Database Backup 
  • WordPress XML Export
  • Generate a file with installed plugins
  • Optimize Your Database
  • Check and repair Database

4. WP Clean Up Optimizer


This is a very handy WordPress database maintenance plugin for WordPress sites. It will help you to do the necessary cleanup of your site that will keep the performance at the top.

WordPress dynamically creates a lot of unnecessary data which will pile up and eventually deteriorate the performance of your site. The data like multiple drafts of a post, spam comments, trackbacks, pingbacks, orphan posts meta, deleted posts, and a number of other data.

This plugin will help you clean all the data that are of no use for the site and make the database of your site a lot lighter.

Another advantage of this plugin is that it brings in a number of amazing security-related features that will safeguard your site.

  • Manage the trackbacks and comment spam
  • Delete unnecessary data from your site
  • Auto IP blocker
  • Login security
  • Email notifications

5. UpdraftPlus


UpdraftPlus is a leading database backup WordPress plugin with over 3 million active installations. To make sure that the database of your site is secured at all times, you can set regular database backup in the schedule.

Your database will be stored in the cloud that is always available for your to restore whenever you need it. Your database can be stored on Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 and other sources.

  • Offers free version
  • Easy database backup and restore option
  • You can schedule automatic backup

6. Search & Replace


If you don’t have good knowledge of code and databases, it is recommended not to touch the database of your site, it is good to take help from someone who is well aware of this.

A small change in the database can make a big impact on your site. If you are looking for an easy solution to edit your WordPress database, this plugin will help you do that.

You can use this plugin to search any string on your database and replace it with anything you want. However, make sure to take a backup of your database before you make any changes to your database.

  • A simple free plugin
  • Search & replace function
  • Backup & restore your database
  • WordPress Multisite support

7. Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions


The name of the plugin says it all. The plugin will make sure to optimize the database of your site after deleting the unnecessary drafts and revisions on your site to keep the database of your site thin and fast.

This plugin can remove all those data that are dynamically created by WordPress which is of no use for the site.

It can delete revisions, trashed posts, page comments, spam comments, and all other data that bloats the database of your site.

  • Optimize the database of your site
  • Schedule the optimization on autopilot
  • Delete all unnecessary data of your site
  • WordPress Multisite compatible

8. Participants Database


If you are managing a site that revolves around users, this plugin will be very handy for you. This plugin can create a database of people on your site with any field specified by you.

  • Configurable database fields
  • Shortcode option to inset signup forms
  • Shortcode to place a form to get users data
  • Searchable record tracking by admin

9. WP Database Reset


With over 60K active installations, WP Database Reset is a very handy plugin that you can use to reset the database. It gives you the option to reset the entire site database as well as specific files as per your need without going through all the technical things.

With this plugin, you can reset the database with just a click. Overall, it is a very helpful plugin for expert as well as newbie users.

  • Easy to use without any technical knowledge
  • Option to reset entire database or chosen files
  • Reset databases with one command
  • Completely free to use

Final Word

These are some of the best WordPress database management plugins that will help you to keep the database of your site healthy and light.

You can use these plugins to clean the database to make sure that the unnecessary data on your site does not deteriorate the performance of your site.

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