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5 Reasons Why High Traffic Blogs Fail with Monetization

Blog Monetization

I know it is the dream of every blogger to pull a consistent amount of growing audience and traffic trooping onto your blog page. We mostly believe once this is achieved, then, you are fulfilled as a blogger and money will soon start coming in.

You could not be more wrong!

Having a lot of traffic should not be the only goal of a blogger. I know this might sound crazy, but yes, I just said it.

If you are unable to convert your regular traffic into a consistent source of income, then trust me, you have failed. I will be sincere with you. Money is an actual quantifying factor and a primary yardstick for failure and success when it comes to blogging online and doing it for money!

Katrina Padron is a successful online marketer and blogger who is well known for her huge success story. Katrina earned $2000 from an entirely new blog and gained 800 new users all in one day.

Now that is successful traffic conversion into cash. She not only had a huge traffic base but could change that into income.

What I think is important to know is why you are failing and being unable to generate revenues. There may be a lot of reasons like poor content quality, poor content management, site issues and what not! You need to devise strategies to change the present situation so can boldly record success.

Some of the reasons why bloggers fail in spite rising traffic include:

Avoid These Five Things to Earn Good Revenue Through Your Blog

1. Not building a Community

Most bloggers try as much as possible to get an organic ranking from search engines and try social sharing on social media networking websites.

But the truth is that these rankings and distribution are time-consuming and sometimes require a lot of funding which might not be encouraging enough if you are bootstrapped!

People do not realize that a blog does not necessarily have to be a one man running business. It is a lot easier when it is changed into an active community.

Communities are very useful in the sense that they help with constant sharing a and reporting of written content both old ones and the latest.

Communities also come along with quite an impressive and recurrent amount of traffic with regular visitors and active users as well.

In a community, since you are an authority and an influential member, it is usually easy to convert your traffic into regular income.

2. Lack of Knowledge

It is a well-known fact that the lack of knowledge is one of the most harmful things in the world. Knowledge is a powerful tool and very essential in life, and blogging is not an exception.

Before you can start making money based on the traffic you receive on your blog, you need to understand what the problem is and be prepared to find a solution.

It is that either your content is not sufficient for the visitors to invest in or you are just pulling the wrong kind of traffic. There could be more reasons for people bouncing off. That is why it is essential to know your framework, your hosting provider and work with your development team to keep all things running smoothly.

The most appropriate solution to this problem is to try and study the market in which you are hoping to target. You need to know what your target market requires, and then you work towards providing them with exactly what interests them.

You should also try to find out about your competitive blogs around that community, know what they are providing for their audience and what is missing from your content.

You could also decide to hire extra hands who can provide you with appropriately accurate market survey results. Tools like BuzzSumo, AHrefs, and Open Link Profiler might come in handy here.

Blog and page optimization is another key step in getting the right community of traffics. People will always admire a beautiful blog layout and organization.

3. Wrong or Incorrect Ad Placement

Ad placements are supposed to bring in more money, but if wrongly placed, the reverse can be the case, and you begin to lose more instead of gaining.

Ad placement is critical, and it is quite difficult to come up with the right size, placement position, product choice, choice of service, how long the ad will be active and so on.

It is very wrong and annoying to have many ads per page of a blog. It tends to push away active users and audience, hence reducing the possibility of making money out of your blog traffic.

It is usually better to have few ads per page and ads with average sizes that are not too small to be noticed but not too big and annoying either.

Ads sometimes involve experimenting by checking and comparing results. Remember to rotate ads to avoid continuous repetition regularly. This can be done through A/B testing tools. You can assess the results and go with placements that perform better statistically.

4. Everything is available for free

There is a reason to generate buyers from your blog. When your audience always get things for free from your blog, it becomes tough to have buyers and then you begin to ask yourself the question, why are my products not being patronized?

The answer is simple; your visitors are used to being free visitors. Neil Patel once said, “it is hard to convert visitors into buyers if you don’t train your visitors to buy.”

Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean you should have a price tag on everything you provide on your blog. This might chase away your audience entirely, and you certainly don’t want that.

You can train your readers to become buyers by making use of content gateways like paying by sharing or pay with a tweet or a re-post, etc. to read a valuable content.

You can also ask for an email address for users to be able to download certain content. This is a way of getting your readers to act.

5. Love lost between you and your blog

The mistake some people make in the blogging business is not taking it as seriously as they would have taken a regular job.

Like deciding not to blog simply because they have a simple headache or are knocked out somehow. You need to take this as importantly as your daily job because it can be your source of livelihood. A lacklustre and sloppy attitude while you wait for miracles to happen won’t work.

The more the attention and importance you give to your blog, the more the profit it would yield for you in the end. Do no treat you blog any differently than you would treat your regular job or business. It is your online business anyway. Be proactive and make the most out of it.

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